When it comes to graphic design, fonts play an integral role. But if you’re not a designer, you might be asking yourself:
“What fonts actually go well together?”
Not to worry! In this post, we’ve laid out 50 perfect font combinations that you can use in your designs today. Of course, all fonts mentioned in this post are included in Snappa.
Now before we begin, let’s go over some quick terminology so you can better follow the different font combinations that we outline in this post.
Serif: Serif typefaces are those in which a small line is attached at the end of the stroke in a letter or symbol.
Sans-Serif: Sans serif typefaces are those that do not contain serifs at the end of strokes. Hence the term “sans-serif.”
Scripts: Script typefaces are those in which many characters have strokes that join them to other letters similar to cursive handwriting.
Here’s a visual representation of the different types of fonts discussed in this post.

With that out of the way, let’s move on to the 50 perfect font combinations to kickstart your next design.
Sans-Serif / Serif Font Combinations
Serif / Sans-Serif Font Combinations
Script & Decorative / Sans-Serif Font Combinations
Script & Decorative / Serif Font Combinations
Sans-Serif / Sans-Serif Font Combinations
Serif / Serif Font Combintions
Font Variants
Sans-Serif / Serif Combinations
1. Josefin Sans / Playfair

2. Lato / Merriweather

3. Montserrat / Cardo

4. Montserrat / Playfair Display

5. Nunito / Lora

6. Open Sans / Libre Baskerville

7. Open Sans / Lora

8. Oswald / Merriweather

9. Oswald / Old Standard TT

10. PT Sans / PT Serif

11. Raleway / Merriweather

12. Ubuntu / Lora

13. League Spartan / Libre Baskerville

Serif / Sans-Serif Combinations
14. Cardo / Josefin Sans

15. Libre Baskerville / Montserrat

16. Lora / Source Sans Pro

17. Merriweather / Open Sans

18. Merriweather / Source Sans Pro

19. Playfair Display / Open Sans

20. PT Serif / Open Sans

21. Roboto Slab / Open Sans

22. Roboto Slab / Roboto

23. Source Serif Pro / Source Sans Pro

Scripts & Decorative / Sans-Serif Combinations
24. Abril Fatface / Josefin Sans

25. Abril Fatface / Lato

26. Amatic SC / Josefin Sans

27. Lobster / Arimo

28. Lobster / Open Sans

29. Pacifico / Arimo

30. Pacifico / Josefin Sans

31. Patua One / Oswald

32. Shadows / Roboto

33. Stint Ultra / Roboto

34. Sacramento / Montserrat Light

35. Yellowtail / Open Sans

Scripts & Decorative / Serif Combinations
36. Patua One / Lora

37. Nixie One / Libre Baskerville

Sans-Serif / Sans-Serif
38. Nunito / Open Sans

39. Open Sans / Nunito

40. Oswald / Open Sans

41. Raleway / Roboto

42. Roboto / Nunito

43. Oswald / Montserrat Light

44. Open Sans / Cooper Hewitt

Serif / Serif Combinations
45. Playfair Display / Fauna One

46. Quando / Judson

Font Variants
47. Aileron Heavy / Aileron Light

48. Archivo Black / Archivo Narrow

49. Cooper Hewitt Heavy / Cooper Hewitt

50. Source Serif Pro Black / Source Serif Pro

There you have it! 50 perfect font combinations for your next design. If we’ve missed some, let us know in the comments below.